October 6, 2022 Text Devotion


In Hebrew it is YHWH. 

Scholars say it sounds like breathing in and breathing out. So with our very first breath we say the name of God. Interesting, isn’t it?

Funny, those who don’t believe in God, have to say His name to even tell us why they don’t believe in God. 

The Hebrew alphabet only had consonants. Breath flow in Yah- and breath flow out -weh: nothing causes us to hinder our breath or hinder God’s presence. 

I find it fascinating that we can always be focused and calling God’s name. We have talked about breathing being a good way to calm ourselves and to be mindful of the one who made us. But, in reality, God had already prepared us for this life with Him. I can think of nothing more beautiful. 

Breathe your way through your day, knowing just how near you are actually keeping your God. 

God is as close as your very next breath itself. 


~Shauna Weil

A devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC 


As we breathe our ‘Yahweh’ breaths, let this song give you courage to allow Him to love you as you are in this moment. Even if you hold shame or doubt about yourself. Talk from your soul openly in companionship with your maker: God. God’s grace alone can wipe away our stains. Don’t let your own thoughts confuse you or help you to believe untrue things. They must be untrue for God was in you from your very first breath – stay close. God is good. All the time. 

Here is Love Me Like I Am from For King & Country.