The world is a rotten place to be right now with a war in Ukraine, civil unrest, rotten politics, Mr. Covid, the usual unrest and general thankless bunch of people. We often seem to be an oarless group of folks who only care about how these things affect us.
I’ve been reading books and newspapers looking for acts of kindness – viewing TV for some good news. In my everyday life here at home, neighborhood, grocery stores and church, I’ve been looking for signs of people being blessed by others. I’m glad to report to have been blessed by many acts of kindness and concern.
The first thing I was excited to see on national news showed me a young man who was helping to get supplies to Ukraine. He stated very proudly that he was a United Methodist who was following Christ and he NEEDED to care about what was happening and do something! I shouted at the TV, “Thank you, Lord!” I can’t help but wonder how ready we are to tell the world that we are Christ’s followers and doers and we are willing to serve and help our fellow man.
Yesterday at church after a surprise snow in the night, a church attendee was trying to pick a safe way into the main entrance of the church. Along comes another worshiper and takes the lady’s arm and guides her safely. As they enter the church, I heard the elder lady say, “good to see you and thanks for the help.” As they both made their way into the sanctuary they were both smiling. I said to myself, ‘thank you Lord for caring folks.’ I also remembered the younger lady’s own mother died not too long ago. She got involved helping someone who needed some assistance. Being a Christ follower is being willing to help our fellow person.
I am speaking from experience, there can be a cost, you can be rejected in offering your help. It’s happened to me and I have also rejected help offered to me. How ungrateful am I? In my next breath I will tell someone how tired I am. Pride is a sin, folks. Father forgive us for not offering help; forgive those who reject the help.
Our Lenten soup night each Wednesday has been a wonderful blessing and when the youth bring our soup to our door, I am very thankful to them as they deliver and serve. I also let the driver know how appreciated they are for taking time to bring soup to us. It was really special during Covid because we saw folks we hadn’t seen for a year. It truly meant a lot to many of us isolated at home! Thank you, Lord, for those who served and made soup.
Never underestimate a phone call. Some days a phone call or text will just help a person realize that they are cared for – it may just give them a much needed lift. Cards sent will do the same. These are small acts, but are very meaningful to the folks who receive them and send them.
After communion Sunday, I was able to take communion to people who aren’t able to get to church. What a blessing to be able to share my faith with them and for them to share their faith with me. We Christ followers are supposed to bring faith, hope and encouragement to everyone- not just our church family, but neighbors, family, friends, and even those whom we do not know. When we have Christ in our lives we are a changed people. Following Christ in the way we live our days here on earth is important. We will ultimately be judged by God as to how we lived our lives in this world. I have never worn a bracelet that has the words “What Would Jesus Do?” As we approach Easter, maybe we need to ask that question during this Lenten season.
We have been looking at the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed in our learning time after Sunday service each week which is available to all ages. These show us what we are committing ourselves to as servants of Christ. Pastor Joel recently sent out a letter about our United Methodist General Conference being canceled – this also gives us room to think about how we should move toward accepting and loving every one of God’s people. If you would like a copy of any of this information you can certainly call the church office. (810-636-2444)
My thoughts have served to remind me ways in which we can grow and love in serving God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. I have found I often need these seemingly simple reminders to stay close to my faith. Let’s support each other in the journey.
-Barb Maki
A devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC