November 5, 2021 Text Devotion

The idea of God blessings has been running through my mind lately. We see them occasionally, don’t we? I suspect they are much more plentiful than we realize – many that we miss. We often talk of God’s silence as we search for an answer. Could it be we just don’t use our God given senses? For our God loves us as his children, richly, generously and hopefully. Why hopefully? I think he hopes we will see his many blessings so we always know how close he really is to us. Consider the acrostic poem below. 


God’s Blessings


G ardener grafting new life endlessly

O ften overlooked daily

D addy doting on His daughters and sons

S urely sent for you


B eloved, believe in my boundless love for you

L earn to linger patiently

E verywhere if we are but aware

S ometimes so simple 

S avor such gifts from our Savior

I n our hearts held holy

G enuinely gravitate toward God

S nuggle; stay till the cows come home (forever)


Keep your eyes and heart open….


~Shauna Weil


Here’s an oldie but goldie about Blessings. Get past the maybe hokey-ness of the sound but listen to the words. That’s where it’s at – simply sung but soul sent.