January 10, 2023 Text Devotion

Well, Devotioneers! Welcome to the New Year!
We stand in this unique cusp period each year of wanting to look back at the year passed by and a curiosity to look forward to what might lie ahead. I suspect we might spend a jot of time doing such but in sorting out papers in an act of good will toward getting ready to face the new days of 2023, I found an important piece of paper from Ed Noll – one of my life mentors. I’ll share this piece with you; perhaps some of you have received one like it.
From Ed:
I was regretting the past and fearing the future. Suddenly my Lord was speaking:
“My name is I Am.” A pause.
I waited. God continued.
“When living in the past, with all its mistakes and regrets, it is hard. I am not there.
My name is not ‘I Was’.
When you live in the future, with all its problems and fears, it is hard. I am not there.
My name is not ‘I Will Be’.
When you live in this moment, it is not as hard. I am here.
My name is ‘I Am’.”
Just think about it. It is hard to live in the present all the time and we do need to cherish our histories and traditions and we do need to make future plans. I think what Ed’s collected story means is that the past nor the future should be our primary residence. We are living our lives moment by moment in the present whether you choose to actively be here or not. And God is with us – have you reached out to him lately? God is here right now where life is happening. I’ll say, Think about it! as my husband always replies if you ask what he thinks has a very obvious answer to a very obvious question.
Sometimes it stings a little to be told that but he is usually right – the answer can be clearly seen. So, I get over the grump and get on with it. He has helped me see the answer but I had to look for it myself. God can be like that – he is here. But, oooops, have we chosen to distance ourselves and we discover we don’t have the God WiFi anymore?
Have you ever walked around your own house trying to find the connection again while babbling into the phone that you’re still there and the person on the other end is doing the same? It’s a life comedy in one act we repeat over and over. Then there is a moment of reunion when the one who could still hear you through all of that disconnection says, I could hear you but you couldn’t hear me. I was here all the time.
Doesn’t that sound like what happens when we distance from God? We lose the connection…but when we reconnect we find he’s been there all the time.
We can be silly people sometimes, can’t we? This is what I think after I wander out of range and I mistakenly think, yet again, I am in charge of my life. Another ooooops. Silly me, did I forget so quickly that I have already committed my life to serving God. (However, I do think God will wander with us but we need to do our part and communicate with him at least just before we off-road it and get into painful places feeling utterly alone.)
Remember the message Ed Noll likes to send out and has been sharing in person and by mail for years. It’s an important grounding and re-grounding point. God is called I Am – he is in the present.
Here are two more quotes I have found that are good to share as we face a new starting point like the beginning of the year. Here we come 2023!
I found this quote in a Sunday School class I taught and always have it handy in my home. As you live in the present you might look ahead to what your goals as a Christian might be. How should you sail your ship? This is a North Star quote for me.
“Your calling in life is where your greatest passion meets the world’s greatest need.”
-Fredrick Buechner
The next paraphrase was brought to my attention by my daily devotional book this year written by Father Richard Rohr, a globally recognized ecumenical teacher. It is centuries old but so definitely withstands the ages. I think of it often now.
Paraphrased from St. Joan of Arc, “If I am in your truth, God, keep me there. If I am not, God, put me there.”
Again I say, stay close.
I add, stay present.
~Shauna Weil
A devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC
Since we are at the first of the year, I have chosen a song with lyrics that can challenge us, yes, but also reorient for us to where we are sailing our ship. The lyrics are included for ease of understanding the words but you might just want to take a moment to quiet yourself, close your eyes, breathe and mindfully and gently take this song in.
It’s called ‘First Things First’ by Consumed by Fire. This is a good reminder to us all – pull the thoughts into your heart today and ponder them. Then and only then….set sail.