September 23, 2022 Text Devotion

Hey, it’s been awhile since I last sent a devotion. I have needed to just do my days and find space in God’s presence. It has been a rich time as I follow God’s calling. Space may happen with devotions being sent now. I’ll keep you apprised. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. ♥️
Music is a big part of my life. I not only play the piano but I am an avid listener to many kinds of music – it informs my world, brings me comfort, motivates me to action, deepens my faith, and even shows
me who I am and where I come from.
On Sundays we are hearing “children’s stories” right now – you may think you are beyond hearing children’s stories. Nothing could be further from the truth! There was a decade long ago when I studied literature and even completed a minor in children’s literature in conjunction with that. I remember those teachings with joy and deep appreciation for my professors who taught me. I still give thanks to God for those professors who were so passionate about children’s literature and taught me so much. Even now when thinking of buying books or checking them out of the library, I always investigate what is new in that area or even old.
I have heard the books read in church and looked for more. I came across Who Sang the First Song by Ellie Holcomb and find it delightful and surprisingly deep. I simply love the idea that music is entwined in all of God’s creation! Even now as I write this devotion, my writing is accompanied and given lift by a chorus of birds singing outside. My faith moves.
Who sang the first song? It is as we might imagine but it is so fun and enriching getting to the answer accompanied by entrancing illustrations. Reading this, reminded me deeply of the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, a set of books I have read over and over since childhood. It specifically reminded me of Aslan’s deep voiced singing – that rings in my ears not from the movies but from reading the books. I know how Aslan sings, I know it in my heart. And the one who sang the first song is also a voice I recognize deep deep within. It informs my very being, my very breath.
Listen to a recording I made of this story and see if you don’t awaken somewhere in your soul. Then let your senses inform you of the singer of our lives. Relish, hold, enjoy and go LIVE it’s music to you. Think…. we just might all hear a slightly different song. That’s not unsettling! NO! That is rich and beyond amazing, isn’t it?
Now listen. And later, think of reading those “children’s books” The Chronicles of Narnia. There is good reason to stay close.
~Shauna Weil
A Devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC