Prayers and Squares
The prayers and squares ministry is an interdenominational prayer ministry. Our chapter is #590. The quilts are made for anyone in need of prayer and would accept a quilt as a vehicle for prayer.
We meet the first and third Wednesday of the month from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and try to meet year round. We have given away 223 quilts since we began in 2007. There are many ways to be a part of this ministry. You may join us in making the quilts, donating cotton fabric, thread, batting or by making a donation to Goodrich UMC with a memo for Prayers and Squares.
All are invited to tie a knot and say a prayer for the recipient of the quilt for it is not as much about the quilts as the vehicle of prayer that it provides. Our recent projects:
- Confirmation Prayer Squares
- Baptismal Prayer Squares
- Small Prayer Squares for that friend or loved one that may not need a quilt but may need something small to remind them that prayers were said for them (located on the shelf at the back of the sanctuary).
Our members continue to inspire each other with patterns, ideas and quilting techniques as we continue to share our talents of quilt making in this quilting ministry. Group and individual quilts are always in some point of the process of quilt making.
If you know of someone in need of prayer who could use a prayer quilt or if you would like to join this group, please contact the church office at (810) 636-2444 or email at