Focus on the calendar picture above. It is one based on Sarah Young’s devotional book “Jesus Calling”. I like the use of the word creative linked with God’s work in us. It points to our own uniqueness. To me, it expresses that God intended us each to be very individual creations. We should celebrate that and love each other because of our uniqueness.
We each are the pearl of God’s choice. He is so vast and amazing that we can’t even truly comprehend just how tremendous He is. God created us but He is also creative with his children. That is absolutely beautiful and breathtaking, we are meant to be creative disciples. To do that, as the words say, we must both focus and yield. We don’t always want to do that as humans. We want to control forgetting again and again who is really in control.
Think gently on God’s deep abiding love for us and know that His control is one that stems from love, nothing else. Control can be a negative word in our society these days. In God’s world it offers us peace, love, trust, safety, grace and hope.
Have faith. Focus. And when you are ready – yield.
If you feel door after door has closed to you – watch for that window to be wide open. Be creative; you can be sure our creative God is hoping you will be just that.
~Shauna Weil
A devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC
A devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC