Are you one of our saints that sends cards or offers well-wishes in person or by phone? God bless you. To make that easier, here are the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries so that you can get that card there on time or make sure not to miss the day to make the call or visit.
03/01: Thomas Bee
03/05: Barb Birkner
03/06: Nicole Stayton
03/07: Elizabeth Gibbs
03/09: Daniel Crawford
03/09: Carol Hollway
03/15: Dan Weil
03/16: Maria Martin
03/16: Robert Merchberger
03/19: Lynne Warner
03/20: Caitlyn Bianchi
03/21: Zaiden Hall
03/21: Brendan Cicalo
03/24: Alexander Cerra
03/30: Levi Densham
Names in bold print are youth
03/24: Kevin & Sue Harlow