Forgiveness – A Devotion
Yesterday I woke up and found my daily devotion to be about forgiveness, that familiar story in Mathew Chapter 18 where Peter asks Jesus just how many times it is that we have to forgive someone and Jesus tells him: Not just the gracious 7 times that Peter offered, but 7 times 70 times! A Godly amount if there ever was one!
This morning I woke up early (again) and turned on the Contemporary Music Channel to hear the song Forgiveness by Matthew West. And I had a topic!”
Can you imagine forgiving ‘some hurtful person’ more than even once! Yet that is what we are told to do.
When? Who? Why, and How?
When and Who: Driving, raising our kids, interacting with our friends (yes EVEN CHURCH FRIENDS), our employer, our Spouse, telemarketers, ourselves, and last but most – God!
Why: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that all whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.” NKJV Jn 3:16-17.
How: Love others as God loved us. When I think of all of the times in my life that I have asked God for forgiveness 490 does not seem to be a large enough number. Surely, I have used that much grace from my spouse over the last 40 some years. So, the number is real…and I have needed it. But thanks be to God that for Him, through Jesus, he stopped counting at one!
Listen to Matthew West’s song -What a telling first verse – the Second is even stronger…
It’s the hardest thing to give away. And the last thing on your mind today. It always goes to those who don’t deserve. It’s the opposite of how you feel. When they pain they caused is just too real. Takes everything you have to say the word
Pass it on!
-Mark Schulte