February 5, 2022 Text Devotion


We are in the depth of winter. What a snowfall we have seen in Michigan this week! Whether we make a moan or a squeal over the presence of a lot of snow, the beauty pics (don’t be afraid to zoom in to see the small wonders of snowfall) and the quote above on a calm blue background is a quiet reminder to us today. 

Know that in our faith lives that all should not be asleep. Sleep is not the same as taking rest. Faith is not meant to hibernate in times of deep cold and freeze in our lives. We do need to take healthy time to renew and restore when our very souls cry out in pain. 

But when your personal spring returns – enter out with joy to serve our God of all things! Serve with joy and thankfulness in your heart for God makes all things new in us continually. There is a time for all things, including self renewal. Learn to recognize your need for it gently and be gentle to yourself for you are God’s temple. 

Try using that new awareness of the spirit within you to serve others in your days. For in what more precious way can we be present for others then when we show them whose we are. 

No matter where you are, your personal spring’s a-comin’. Companion with God and wait with expectancy!


~Shauna Weil

A devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC