February 1, 2022 Text Devotion

I have been called to an attitude of prayer more often recently for others and sometimes on behalf of my crazy often lost feeling ways. Prayer helps. 

No matter how you approach prayer – prayer is the intercession needed for God to hear things from us about that which he already knows. He does know, for he is an omniscient God. Look up the word – the omni words can get me confused too sometimes, and yet I continue to try to use them correctly. 

I secretly think that God likes to know that we know of these needs as well and we carry them on our hearts as we do our days. You don’t have to know how to pray, you don’t have to be a prayer warrior to pray- though if you begin you might just become one. We are surrounded by many prayer warriors. I have at least one in my family – my Great Aunt Dorothy, approaching 100 years of age and diminutive in stature, is still is a powerful source of prayer in our world.  

I am surrounded by mentors in our congregation who are prayer warriors and stand boldly in the power of prayer believing wholeheartedly in the need for it and the richness and healing it provides in our lives. 

One of my mentors, a very humble man, told me he prays 3 hours a day, this was no boast as I have known, watched and loved this man since I was a child. (He only boasts when he plays cards, and he is forgiven that!) This man has helped make a path for me in my life and hearing that about his daily acts of service at last year’s Pass It On Prayer Service just humbled me even more. This is a place for growth in my life and it is happening in me. 

When my brother Stephen was dying from a cancerous brain tumor, even the doctors at U of M told us to never underestimate the power of prayer. Even though Steph died, I do not believe our myriad of prayers went unanswered. Prayer can be powerful in community as well, I know that as my dear faith journey partner, Barb Maki, and I prayed together by phone the other day. Afterwards, we spoke of how nice it was to pray together and how powerful it is. 

Approach prayer in your own way and time. Don’t worry about how you pray or how others pray. You are talking to a benevolent God here, folks. My prayers are sometimes more like conversations with God. Sometimes I am actually in an attitude of prayer. If you still worry or wonder how to begin, talk to pastor Joel about it, or one of our many prayer warriors. I’m going to offer some names up and I’m sure if you reach out in some way or sometime, they will be reaching back toward you without hesitation. Prayer warriors are all sorts of people so choose someone who seems most comfortable to you: Mark Schulte, Wanda Kohan, Roger Gill, Barb Maki, Val Brinker, Janet Elledge or Darrell Wilson for a start. 

However you feel about prayer, listen to Katie Nichole pray for you today as she sings In Jesus Name (God of Possible). She has a powerful voice so if you want to be more peaceful,  turn your volume down. If you want waves of prayer to just wash over you, be bold, go no holds barred! Your choice. 

We always have a choice, I remember that in a Holy way because that freedom to choose comes from God, the one who created us. Simply unimaginable beauty!

So choose in your time which may down the road be discovered to have been in God’s time. (Meaning, he knew where you were or are and he will wait for you.) Good stuff, eh?


~Shauna Weil

A devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC