Studying my mom’s 2021 devotional book again which she never got to use.
This is our prayer today:
God, remind me that all things come in your time and that you aren’t bound by any deadlines.
Today’s scripture offering:
Jesus replied: what is impossible with man is possible with God. Luke 18:27
We are in the crazy draining days of the corn season but we have a great group of young people helping us in our work. The schedules of kids are so crazy these days and the desire to know the schedule of the patch in advance is just a crushing desire by parents and kids alike. This is something we cannot know and we struggle with every night in order to send out messages to our parents and workers about schedules for them the next day.
There is just so much to consider every day as so many little thing develop and create yet a new wrinkle in the corn plan. I know they want to know and I sooooo want to be able to tell everyone everything on into the future. I have had to just give up this intense pressure on me because I just can’t know these things.
This timing is in God’s hands and we must get comfortable with our NEED to know and our knowledge that God will provide in God’s time.
We have a great group of workers this year and I give praise and thanksgiving to God for pulling us all near to work together this year whether in the patch or under the tent.
Pray for what I consider to be God’s ministry. I tell the kids all the time this is about so much more than corn – it’s about being kind, serving others with no expectation of anything in return and being in and creating community. Many can embrace the vision and even have passion for it. I pray that this all comes along in God’s time and works in all our hearts.
Please pray with me and think about how the prayer and scripture fits into your life today.
Stay close.
~Shauna Weil
A devotion provided by the Devotion Ministry of Goodrich UMC