We believe that all persons are of sacred worth and dignity as part of God’s creation as demonstrated by the ministry of Jesus Christ. We, therefore, welcome all persons into the life and ministry of our congregation, without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnicity, age, status, income, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, or religious background regardless of where you are in your faith journey.

Online Worship
You can join us for our online worship virtually via YouTube (click here), through our Facbook page (click here), or click on the image below.

You can connect via phone if you don’t have internet:

dial (888) 488-8792 to listen to audio of the service live.
What’s Happening
We begin our new series, “So You Want To Be a Methodist.” We’ll be looking at some of the foundational beliefs of Methodism. This Sunday, we’ll look at our understanding of God’s grace, and the path to salvation.
Ephesians 2:1-10
Our youth and adult Sunday School continues this week on our New Testament journey.
Join us this week as we explore the Book of Acts and the power of the Holy Spirit.. Acts is the sequel to the Gospel of Luke. It tells the story of what happens after Jesus ascends into heaven, describing a dynamic, explosive world where the Spirit of the risen Jesus is active.
The younger Sunday School class will continue to study the parables Jesus told.


New Member classes starting next Sunday in the fellowship area. There will be three sessions, Feb. 16 – Basics of Christianity, Feb 23 – Basics of Methodism, March 2 – Basics of the Goodrich church. All sessions run from 12:15 to 1:00. We request attendance at two sessions for membership. No obligation to join the church after completion of the sessions.
Classes will be led by Pastor Nick. Here’s your chance to learn about the things we don’t get to talk about on Sunday morning. Hope to see you there.


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It is easy to sign up today! Tell a friend!

Share the Word: Interested in sharing the word of Christ? Want to invite friends to service? We have an easy way to do it by sharing our Facebook events.

By showing interest and sharing the GUMC events on Facebook, you are helping promote the services online!

Contact Us: Phone: (810) 636-2444 Fax: (810) 636-3558 Email:
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday